WinAudit :: Groups and Users
This section enumerates the local groups, global groups and user accounts on the computer. By design, no attempt is made to discover account information held on remote computers. Administrator or Account Operator privileges are required to report on local groups. The distribution/mailing type groups as used by Active directory® are not enumerated here. Windows® 95, Windows® 98 and Windows® Me do not support this type of information.
Local Groups
The membership and permissions are shown for each local group. A local group is a set of users who have common permissions on the local computer. For security reasons, Administrator or Account Operator privileges are required to discover this information.
Shown is the group's type; in this case, it is always local. The group's name is given as well as any comment about the group's function as noted by the system administrator.
A list of members who belong to this local group.
An enumeration of the policy privileges accorded to the group. The programme attempts to translate these privileges as understood by the operating system into human readable form. On some systems, no translation may be available, therefore WinAudit presents the privilege's raw name. It will start with 'Se' and by examining it, one can usually make an intelligent guess as to the type of privilege granted.
Global Groups
The membership and permissions are shown for each global group. A global group is a set of user accounts from one domain. It is the simplest type of group used in networking.
Shown is the group's type; in this case, it is always global. The group's name is given as well as any comment about the group's function as entered by the system administrator.
A list of members who belong to this global group.
See description above.
User Accounts
A listing of the user accounts held on the system. Depending on the version of the operating system and the security policy in effect, some account information is securable and may require administrator privileges to view.
User Account
The user's name for this account.
Full Name
The full name of the user who uses the account.
A description or comment of the user's account.
Account Status
The status of the account such as enabled, disable or locked.
Local Groups
A list of local groups to which this account belongs.
Global Groups
A list of global groups to which this account belongs.
Last Logon
The last time the user logged on. The date shown is formatted according to the date style in use. Information is obtained from the local machine only.
Last Logoff
The last time the user logged off. The date shown is formatted according to the date style in use. Information is obtained from the local machine only.
Number Of Logons
The number of times the user has logged on. Information is obtained from the local machine only.
Bad Password Count
The number of times the user attempted to logged on but failed due to a bad password. Information is obtained from the local machine only.
Password Age
The age of the password, i.e. for how many days the user has been using the same logon password.
Password Expired
Indicates whether or not the user's password has expired, typically the user must supply a new one at next logon.
Account Expires
The date on which the account is due to expire. If blank, then it never expires.