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WinAudit :: ODBC Information

This section shows the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) data sources and drivers found on the computer. File based data source names can reside anywhere on the computer. Typically these are to be found in DefaultDSNDir or CommonFilesDir which are themselves defined in the system registry. Sometimes file data sources may be in the user's home directory.

DSN Type
The Data Source Name (DSN) type may be one of File, System or User. The first type stores the information required to connect to the database in a file on the computer. For the other two, this connection information is stored in the system's registry. System DSNs can be used by any user whereas a User DSN can only be used by the user that created it.

The name of the data source.

A brief description of the data source name. Typically File DSNs have no description and for System and User DSNs it is the name of the driver software.

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